αρχικηΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΗ απόλυτη λίστα: Αυτές είναι οι 30 καλύτερες χώρες για να δουλέψεις, να κάνεις οικογένεια και φίλους

Η απόλυτη λίστα: Αυτές είναι οι 30 καλύτερες χώρες για να δουλέψεις, να κάνεις οικογένεια και φίλους

Πολλές λίστες έχουν δημοσιευτεί σχετικά με το ποιες είναι οι καλύτερες χώρες για να βρεις δουλειά. ‘Η ποιες είναι οι καλύτερες χώρες για να ξεκινήσεις επιχείρηση. ‘Η ποιες είναι οι χώρες με το καλύτερο Εκπαιδευτικό Σύστημα. Τι θα έλεγες όμως για μια λίστα που θα περιλαμβάνει… τα πάντα;

Αυτό είναι το παρακάτω TOP-30. Σε αυτό θα δεις τις 30 καλύτερες χώρες που εμφανίζουν τις υψηλότερες βαθμολογίες συνολικά, σε μια σειρά από τομείς. Από το πόσο εύκολο είναι να κάνεις μια επαγγελματική καριέρα εκεί, μέχρι το πόσο εύκολο είναι να έχεις οικογένεια ή να κάνεις local φίλους. Και το πόσο καλό είναι το σύστημα Υγείας.

Την λίστα έφτιαξε η πλατφόρμα InterNations, μετά από συνεντεύξεις που έκανε σε 20.000 ανθρώπους που έχουν αλλάξει χώρες διαμονής. Η λίστα, δηλαδή, προέκυψε μέσα από τις απαντήσεις των ίδιων των εκπατρισμένων.

30# Ουγγαρία

30. Hungary — Expats say Hungary it is a great place to base themselves to travel around Europe. People also say it's easy to socialize and find leisure activities, and that the cost of living is relatively low.

29# Ινδονησία

29. Indonesia — In Indonesia socializing is easy and it's not difficult to make local friends. People are generally satisfied with their work-life balance, with full-time employees working an average of 46.4 hours a week, or just over nine hours a day.

28# Βέλγιο

28. Belgium — One of the best countries in the world for raising a family because childcare and education is accessible and high-quality. People here are also happy with their job security.

27# Φιλλιπίνες

27. Philippines — Expats say it's easy to make local friends and the cost of living is fairly low.

26# Μαρόκο

26. Morocco — Expats in the North African nation say overwhelmingly that it is a good place for making friends and maintaining relationships. They also say locals are popular with foreigners.

25# Ταιλάνδη

25. Thailand — In Thailand, medical care is above-par and the country is family-friendly.

24# Ολλανδία

24. The Netherlands — A popular place for expats to work and travel around.

23# Εσθονία

23. Estonia — Most expats in Estonia are happy with the state of the economy and their work-life balance.

22# Καζακστάν

22. Kazakhstan — The central Asian state is becoming an increasingly popular expat destination. People are happier with their career prospects and personal finances here, and say it's relatively easy to get around the capital city, Nur-Sultan.

21# Κόστα Ρίκα

21. Costa Rica — The majority of respondents in Costa Rica say they are generally happy with their lives, and that locals "could not be any friendlier."

20# Καναδάς

20. Canada — Most expats in Canada are happy with the economy and job prospects, and say it's a good place to raise children.

19# Φινλανδία

19. Finland — Finland is seen as a good place to raise children, and more than half respondents are happy with their job prospects and security.

18# Κατάρ

18. Qatar — People say Qatar is an easy place to settle down, and it's easy to get used to and blend in with the local culture.

17# Αυστραλία

17. Australia — Leisure options and quality of healthcare in the Land Down Under are top notch.

16# Κολομβία

16. Colombia — Colombian locals are friendly and helpful, and the cost of living is cheap.

15# Νέα Ζηλανδία

15. New Zealand — Australia's smaller cousin appears ideal for expat families, considering the high quality of childcare, education, and job working hours.

14# Ισραήλ

14. Israel — Expats in Israel are overall satisfied with their jobs and say there's always something to do for fun.

13# Παναμάς

13. Panama — Expats in Panama generally seem very happy with their jobs. People like their working hours, work-life balance, and have job security.

12# Λουξεμβούργο

12. Luxembourg — The majority of expats here feel satisfied with their career prospects and secure in their job, and say the quality of life is good.

11# Βουλγαρία

11. Bulgaria — Foreigners in Bulgaria like the low cost of living and say it's easy to blend into the local culture.

10# Τσεχία

10. The Czech Republic (aka Czechia) — Expats here enjoy the opportunities to travel both within the country and outside it.

9# Μαλαισία

9. Malaysia — Expats in Malaysia say they earn more than enough to cover their daily household needs, and that it's easy to settle down and make new friends.

8# Εκουαδόρ

8. Ecuador — Expats here are the happiest in the world, and say the cost of living is low.

7# Μπαχρέιν

7. Bahrain — Career prospects are good in Bahrain, and the environment is good for families with children, expats said.

6# Σιγκαπούρη

6. Singapore — It's easy to settle down and people feel safe in Singapore. Almost all respondents say they are happy with the city's local transportation system and that it's easy to travel around the region.

5# Ισπανία

5. Spain — Spanish healthcare is affordable and high-quality, and locals are welcoming to families with children.

4# Μεξικό

4. Mexico — Expats say locals are friendly, and the cost and quality of childcare and education are good.

3# Πορτογαλία

3. Portugal — Portugal's weather is good, it's easy to settle down, and there are plenty of options for socializing.

2# Βιετνάμ

2. Vietnam — Life in Vietnam is affordable and expats' disposable income is more than enough to cover daily costs. People here are also happy with their career opportunities.

1# Ταιβάν

1. Taiwan — Expats overwhelmingly praise the quality of life, affordability and quality of healthcare, safety, and career prospects in Taiwan.


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