
Αυτές είναι οι 50 πιο καινοτόμες εταιρίες του πλανήτη για το 2017

Για 10η συνεχόμενη χρονιά το γνωστό site Fast Company δημοσίευσε τη λίστα «World’s Most Innovative Companies». Η οποία όπως γίνεται εύκολα αντιληπτό περιλαμβάνει τις πιο καινοτόμες επιχειρήσεις του πλανήτη. Συνολικά 50 στον αριθμό.

Στην πρώτη θέση βλέπουμε φέτος την Amazon, αφού προσφέρει «όλο και περισσότερα, πιο γρήγορα και πιο έξυπνα», όπως σημειώνεται. Στην δεύτερη θέση είναι η Google και στην τρίτη η Uber. Την πεντάδα συμπληρώνουν οι Apple και Snap. Στην έκτη θέση… μια έκπληξη: το Facebook (ίσως το περιμέναμε πιο πάνω). Την πρώτη δεκάδα ολοκληρώνουν οι Netflix, Twilio, Chobani και Spotify. Όπως θα δείτε, εκτός λίστας βρίσκεται το Twitter.

Ακολουθεί ολόκληρο το TOP- 50

01. Amazon

For offering even more, even faster and smarter

02. Google

For developing a photographic memory

03. Uber

For accelerating autonomous driving

04. Apple

For baking in its advantages

05. Snap

For bringing crackle and pop to a new way of seeing the world

06. Facebook

For launching the right ads at the right moment

07. Netflix

For making surfing fun again

08. Twilio

For giving apps a voice

09. Chobani

For stirring it up in the grocery store

10. Spotify

For enticing artists with data

11. Alibaba

For creating new hubs for commerce

12. Tencent

For reinventing messaging, again

13. Xiaomi

For elevating hardware design

14. BBK Electronics

For igniting new smartphone markets

15. Huawei

For iterating fast

16. Dalian Wanda

For staging its own dream factory

17. Airbnb

For putting a world of experiences at our fingertips

18. Buzzfeed

For feeding a viral fever

19. Open Whisper Systems

For bringing secure communication to the masses

20. Illumination Entertainment

For creating a monster out of a Minion

21. IBM

For embedding Watson where it’s needed most

22. Vivint Smart Home

For opening the door to the connected home of the future

23. Slack

For fighting drudge work with bots

24. Glossier

For collaborating with customers to create cult cosmetics

25. Kenzo

For ripping up the seams of fashion marketing

26. Clique Media Group

For parlaying fashion advice into retail gold

27. Hypebeast

For uniting sneakerheads into a lucrative demographic

28. RewardStyle

For giving influencers a must-have accessory

29. GoFundMe

For finding the value in good deeds

30. TaskRabbit

For making work

31. Microsoft

For building new worlds in the classroom

32. Orbital Insight

For seeing the big picture in satellite imagery

33. One Medical

For changing the face of primary care

34. Farmers Business Network

For cultivating a new hybrid of data and agriculture

35. Adobe

For pushing creativity to the cloud

36. Casper

For making money in our sleep

37. Thinx

For turning periods into exclamation points

38. Resy

For feeding our desire to be VIP diners

39. Marriott

For prioritizing loyalty

40. Medtronic

For streamlining diabetes care

41. Nvidia

For powering the future

42. Pledge 1%

For seeding early-stage philanthropy

43. The Home Depot

For growing without building

44. Headspace

For giving us all a much-needed moment of Zen

45. Related Companies

For creating a thrilling new West Side story

46. Celmatix

For forecasting fertility

47. MailChimp

For giving little guys the marketing savvy of an 800-pound gorilla

48. Beyond Meat

For exceeding beefy expectations

49. Simplify Networks

For sharing wireless by the byte

50. Drone Racing League

For speeding into the mainstream




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